Lego City No Limits Wiki

In this city, there are no limits!
— Mech.Max [src]

Mech.Max is a mechanic at the Custom Car Garage and a member of the No Limits crew.



Mech.Max possesses magenta hair, reddish-brown eyebrows, and is adorned with freckles.


For more of Mech.Max's outfits, see Mech.Max/Designs.

Mech.Max is attired in a sand blue vest, which is complemented by a belt and silver zippers. The vest is worn over a white shirt that is embellished with a tire with flames pattern. Her gloves are of a reddish brown hue, and she is clad in blue pants.


Official descriptions[]

Mech Max[]

Hello everyone! Mech Max here, your favorite gearhead! I got my nickname at the custom car garage where I work as a mechanic, fixing and improving people’s rides. I just LOVE building and creating, even when things fail… which is often! 😊 But failing is how you get good at something, and one of my mottos is “Don’t just do something – overdo it!”[2]

The citizens[]

Hey, you caught me on my lunch break. Seems everyone in the City wants me to modify their car. I guess word got round that there’s no one better with a wrench than me... I’m not complaining...[1]


Run-Away Slushy Van?![]

LEGO City No Limits-S1Ep1-01-06

Due to Bytz's deep affection for his van, despite its age, Mech.Max made the decision to upgrade it by transforming it into a Slushy Van. Devoting an entire week to the task, Mech.Max upgraded the van until it was fully transformed. However, as Mech.Max was done, one of No Face's henchmen, posing as a salesman, engaged in a conversation with her and Just Jason, diverting their attention while the rest of No Face's goons surreptitiously installed an object into the Slushy Van. Just Jason answered the phone and Mech.Max questioned about the identity of the caller, who was No Face. No Face expressed his admiration for Mech.Max and informed her of how he had taken control of Bytz's van, which nearly ran over Mech.Max and Just Jason. In order to pursue Bytz's van, Mech.Max and Just Jason resorted to utilizing a tuk-tuk. While Just Jason was disheartened, Mech.Max explained that the tuk-tuk was the only available option as the other vehicles were not yet completed and had to work on the Slushy Van.


Upon arriving at the Slushy Van, Mech.Max instructed Just Jason to turn the tuk-tuk around to reach the Slushy Van in a more efficiently. Following the directive, Just Jason turned the tuk-tuk around, allowing Mech.Max to access the Slushy Van. Mech Max deftly removed the controller from the steering wheel of the Slushy Van. Despite the ease with which she accomplished the task, she was puzzled to hear the beeping noise persisting. Mech.Max discovered fireworks that were being triggered as a bomb inside the Slushy Van. No Face appeared pleased with the situation, repling that it was a spectacular finale and an opportunity for Mech.Max to showcase her limitless potential.


Just Jason asked about the current situation, to which Mech.Max explained that No Face intended to destroy Bytz's van with the fireworks. Just Jason expressed his disgust at No Face's intentions, prompting Mech.Max to conceive a plan upon hearing the word "trick." Mech.Max suggested to Just Jason to meet her at the Skate Park. Mech.Max utilized the slushy dispenser to augment the velocity of the Slushy Van while driving. As she propelled the vehicle up the ramp, she simultaneously disposed of the fireworks. Mech.Max and the van executed a landing by descending the ramp in a matter of moments. Mech.Max told to Bytz that he can now see his new van recorded his reaction using her phone.

Sky Jump - GONE WRONG![]


As Just Jason readied himself for the Impossible Sky Jump, the crowd erupted into a thunderous ovation, including Mech.Max and the No Limits crew. Mech.Max, in particular, offered words of encouragement to Jason. However, when a fire broke out, Mech.Max promptly contacted the Fire Department, urgently requesting their best firefighter to be dispatched to the scene without delay. She then rallied the community to support Jason as he prepared to execute the Flaming Sky Jump.

Built the World's Biggest SKI SLOPE![]

LEGO City No Limits-S1Ep3-00-54

At the Skate Park, a discussion between the No Limits crew ensues regarding the voting process to see which one of them is the most extreme. Mech.Max mentioned her frustration with the futility of voting, as Jason always win. Bytz announced the results, but to everyone's surprise, the vote changed at the last second, and Wanda About emerged as the winner. Bytz suspected that something has gone wrong with the system, and Mech.Max agreed that it needed to be fixed.

Dodgeball Against the Entire City?![]

LEGO City No Limits-S1Ep4-00-25

In the gym, Bytz showcased his dodgeball skills as he faced off against Mech.Max, Wanda About, and Just Jason. He dodged every incoming dodgeball, thanks in part to the music resonating through his headphones. However, Bytz humbly acknowledged that the true dodgeball champion was none other than Fire Chief Freya. Just Jason subtly hinted that Bytz's exceptional performance was influenced by the absence of his music during that particular match, which allowed him to surpass any adversary on the dodgeball court in LEGO City. Inspired by Just Jason's remark, Bytz boldly issued a challenge to all the residents of LEGO City, inviting them to face off against the No Limits crew in a game of dodgeball, leaving Mech.Max, Wanda About, and Just Jason utterly astonished.

LEGO City No Limits-S1Ep4-02-29 (KR)

Bytz initiated the dodgeball game by throwing the dodgeball, however, he failed to hit any of the opposing team members, leaving Mech.Max surprised and questioning his throw. Bytz then realized that he had forgotten his headphones at the gym. The No Limits crew decided to make their way to the gym, and on the journey, Mech.Max hit one of the citizens with a dodgeball. When they arrived at the gym, they encountered the cheerleader squad who were guarding the entrance. In an attempt to distract them, Mech.Max, Wanda About, and Just Jason tried to come up with a plan. However, Wanda About and Just Jason got into an argument about who should go out first. Mech.Max urged them to focus, but unfortunately, all three of them ended up being hit by dodgeballs thrown by the cheerleaders. Eventually, Bytz managed to retrieve his headphones and used the music to enhance his dodgeball skills, leading him to triumph over his opponents.


On the rooftop, amidst the festivities, Mech.Max and the crew discovered that Freya, who was in her helicopter, was still left. Bytz faced a setback when his headphones ran out of battery, leaving him vulnerable. Fire Chief Freya, armed with dodgeball cannons on her helicopter, launched an attack. Bytz was outmatched and felt helpless without his music. However, his confidence was restored when Mech.Max, Just Jason, and Wanda About stepped in and provided beatboxing music for him. With their support, Bytz managed to turn the tables on Fire Chief Freya and defeat her using her own tactics. As the No Limits team celebrated Bytz's victory, he was momentarily struck by a dodgeball thrown by an astronaut.



Mech.Max remained on board the Arctic Explorer Ship, accompanied by Bytz and the team of explorers, while Just Jason and Wanda About embarked on a expedition to retrieve the pirate treasure from the depths of the ocean.


Drone Challenge - ARE THOSE LASERS?![]

We Survived a METEOR STORM?![]

We Meet the Fans - NOFACE REVEAL![]

Sky Challenge – WE FLIPPED A JET?![]

The final battle among the clouds (33)

Mech.Max expressed her disappointment to the fans about Bytz's absence, but Just Jason suddenly interrupted to introduce Green Titan Into the Moon's long-awaited global debut and urged everyone to celebrate with enthusiasm. This made Mech.Max and Wanda About uneasy. However, Ellie revealed herself as the true identity of No Face, with the other passengers as her goons, which shocked Mech.Max and the rest of the crew. Ellie explained that she had placed a device under the Passenger Airplane, which would fly toward the moon once activated. Mech.Max suggested they stop the device, but the crew struggled to come up with a plan. At that moment, Bytz arrived, devising a strategy to stop the device's operation. Bytz then asked Mech.Max if she had any previous flying experience, to which Mech.Max replied skeptically, wondering how difficult it could actually be.


Assuming control of the Passenger Airplane, Mech.Max skillfully executed a daring maneuver, flipping it completely upside down. Meanwhile, Bytz and Just Jason descended beneath the plane's belly, skillfully disassembling the device. Simultaneously, Wanda About swiftly apprehended Ellie, effectively neutralizing her and her accomplices. With the situation under control, Max expertly guided the plane back to the airport, where a triumphant reunion awaited. Mech.Max, Wanda About, and Just Jason showered Bytz with well-deserved praise, hailing him as a hero. In a moment of celebration, Max immortalized the victorious moment by capturing a selfie with the No Limits crew and the citizens that helped.


The No Limits team decided to orchestrate a prison break using only stunts. However, Wanda About and Max were doubtful about Just Jason's assertion that escaping from Prison Island that way was possible. Jason devised a creative plan to gain the team's freedom by using a cannon. When the cannon fired, it launched Jason through the prison bars and activated a mechanism that unlocked all the cell doors, leading to a chaotic mass escape and riot among the prisoners. Jason kept the crew calm until the lockdown protocol was initiated. They rushed to the courtyard, only to find the exit doors were locked tight. Mech.Max ominously warned that they could be facing life in prison. Just then, Just Jason arrived on a Quad Bike and proposed that if they could climb the wall, they might be able to reach a police helicopter for their getaway. Despite his enthusiasm, both Mech.Max and Wanda were hesitant, which led Bytz to reluctantly support Jason. Although Jason and Bytz's attempt to reach the helicopter ultimately failed due to a prisioner's interference, Wanda spotted an open manhole and suggested that she and Max could escape through the sewers, despite their disgust at the idea, especially when some sludge accidentally got into Max's mouth.

As the team gathered again, they faced the challenge of getting past the electrified fence and a group of sharks. Mech.Max turned to Jason with a sense of urgency, stressing the need to pull off one final stunt to complete their escape plan. Jason felt hesitated, burdened by self-doubt and the fear of not succeeding. He couldn't shake the thought that Duke DeTain's harsh words about his abilities might hold some truth. Sensing Jason's struggle, Mech.Max urged him to concentrate, reminding him of his favorite motivational phrase, "brolieve in broself." After they crafted a makeshift boat, Jason bravely launched into the "Shark Jump Stunt" just as the sharks drew near. The crew bounced off the sharks, and the largest one sent the boat soaring into the air. By unfurling the sails, they glided over the fence and landed safely on the other side, enabling them to race away into LEGO City.

Floating Cars?![]

Jungle vs. City[]

Can I Collect THE COLLECTOR?![]

Prison Escape: ROBOT EDITION![]

Rollercoaster Pizza Delivery![]

Bytz regaled Mech.Max and the other members of the No Limits crew with a story from his time as a pizza delivery boy, focusing on an incident involving a special order called the Friendship Pizza for Just Jason. He recounted how he found himself trapped in a seemingly endless traffic jam that persisted for three weeks, all due to the a giant robot. When Mech.Max was skeptical about the veracity of Bytz's tale, Wanda echoed this doubt, suggesting that Bytz was fabricating the entire scenario. Nevertheless, Bytz remained resolute in his claim, detailing how, after finally managing to deliver the pizza to Jason, it regrettably arrived cold. Mech.Max, unimpressed, labeled the account as the most ludicrous she had ever encountered, yet Bytz maintained that this was only the beginning of his extraordinary narrative, leaving Mech.Max in a state of surprise.

Bytx explained that he sought the assistance of the Secret Society of People Who Deliver Things to create a massive rollercoaster designed to span the entirety of LEGO City. However, their efforts to deliver were soon disrupted by the reappearance of the giant robot. Bytx asserted that giant robots have an aversion to rollercoasters, a claim that was promptly challenged by Mech.Max, who disagreed with this assertion. As Bytx continued narrating the events, he recounted how the robot had cornered the members of the Secret Society. This prompted Jason to asked about what happened next, leading Mech.Max to hope for the story to be believable. Bytx detailed how the Secret Society retaliated against the giant robot by attaching boosters to the rollercoaster and launching it directly at the robot. Mech.Max, surprised by this tactic, noted that it mirrored the strategy she and Wanda had used against King Bot at Prison Island, to which Bytx confidently claimed that their method was more better. When Bytx mentioned that he and Jason ultimately shared the pizza, Mech.Max remarked that was the most heartwarming aspect she had ever heared. However, she pressed Bytx for the truthfulness of the story. In response, Bytx suggested that they should draw their own conclusions about its authenticity. He further argued that imagination opens the door to endless possibilities, activating the boosters attached to his couch, which suprised Mech.Max. Unfortunately, Bytx's attempt ended in a crash, leaving Mech.Max and the others watching with concern.

In other media[]

Today In LEGO City[]

Max is depicted as an everyday citizen who sometimes visits Penguin's Slushy Van to enjoy a slushy. During one short, Max was in a competition for a cherry slushy, engaging in a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. However, while she was focused on the game, Mechanic seizes the chance to grab the slushy for himself. Unlike in the main series, Mech.Max does not rely on a wheelchair in the shorts.



Main article: Bytz and Mech.Max

Just Jason[]

Wanda About[]



  • Security bots - Creations
    • Bot 794
    • King Bot




LEGO City No Limits[]

Foreign voice actors[]

Language version Actors Notes
German Julie Bonas
Japanese Yuina Yamada (山田唯菜)


  • Mech.Max's name shares a noticeable similarity with the name of the Mad Max franchise.
  • She shows a distinct attitude towards her inventions; while she values them, she is willing to dismantle them without hesitation, in contrast to her attachment to the security bots. This indifference is evident in her readiness to destroy both her drone and the Blue Bolt Falcon Hawk Streak.



Main article: Mech.Max/Gallery



Main Bytz · Just Jason · Mech.Max · Wanda About
Supporting Admiral · Barber · Basti Baggersen · Bear stunt rider · BetterCallCarla · BurgerBoss · Cheerleader squad · Donut Dane · Duke DeTain · ESports champions · Everest · ExtremeEddy · Fearless Fi · Finja Fin · Fire Chief Freya · Fireman · Francesca Freewheeler · FredTheFoodie · Gaming Tournament spectator · Gardener · Green Titan · Go-To Gary · GymBroGene · JakeKnowsSnow · KentIsOnFire · Max Mayo · Mechanic · Minor Characters · Night Raptor · OCEANEmma · OfficerEM · Olivia Overtake · Orange stunt rider · Penguin · Pia Polar · Presenter · Robin Rotor · Rocket Racer · Rick Sports · Ricky Roadster · Sam · Shirley Keeper · Sk8rKate · Soren Mudskipper · SteveGoesNorth Tank · · Tuk-tuk driver · UnderwaterUna · WaltsGoingOn · ZigZac · Zoe
Animals Blobs · Gorillas · Parrots · Sharks · Snakes · Tigers
Antagonists AnnaOfDisguise · The Collector · Daisy Kaboom · DJ GoodVibes · Ellie · Ellie's henchmen · Nick Smash · UnstoppableMatt