- 60356 Bear Stunt Bike
- 60357 Stunt Truck & Ring of Fire Challenge
- 60359 Dunk Stunt Ramp Challenge
- 60360 Spinning Stunt Challenge
- 60361 Ultimate Stunt Riders Challenge
- 60362 Car Wash
- 60364 Street Skate Park
- 60365 Apartment Building
- 60366 Ski and Climbing Center
- 60367 Passenger Airplane
- 60368 Arctic Explorer Ship
- 60372 Police Training Academy
- 60374 Fire Command Truck
- 60376 Arctic Explorer Snowmobile
- 60377 Explorer Diving Boat
- 60378 Arctic Explorer Truck and Mobile Lab
- 60379 Deep-Sea Explorer Submarine
- 60380 Downtown
- 60384 Penguin Slushy Van
- 60387 4x4 Off-Roader Adventures
- 60388 Gaming Tournament Truck
- 60389 Custom Car Garage
- 60403 Emergency Ambulance and Snowboarder
- 60404 Burger Truck
- 60407 Red Double-Decker Sightseeing Bus
- 60418 Police Mobile Crime Lab Truck
- 60419 Police Prison Island
- 60421 Robot World Roller-Coaster Park
- 60422 Seaside Harbor with Cargo Ship
- 60423 Downtown Streetcar and Station
- 60424 Jungle Explorer ATV Red Panda Mission
- 60425 Jungle Explorer Water Plane
- 60426 Jungle Explorer Off-Road Truck
- 60428 Space Construction Mech
- 60431 Space Explorer Rover and Alien Life
- 60434 Space Base and Rocket Launchpad
- 60435 Tow Truck and Sports Car Repair
- 60437 Jungle Explorer Helicopter at Base Camp
- 60439 Space Science Lab
- 60441 Space Explorers Pack
- 60442 F1® Driver with McLaren Race Car
- 60443 F1® Pit Stop & Pit Crew with Ferrari Car
- 60444 F1® Garage & Mercedes-AMG & Alpine Cars
- 60445 F1® Truck with RB20 & AMR24 F1® Cars
- 60446 Modular Galactic Spaceship
- 60447 Off-Road 4x4 Mountain Truck
- 60448 Red Sports Car
- 60449 Off-Road Police Car Chase
- 60451 Emergency Ambulance
- 60452 Donut Truck
- 60453 Lifeguard Beach Rescue Truck
- 60454 Holiday Adventure Camper Van
- 60458 Pizza vs. Fire Truck Race Car Pack
- 60459 Airplane vs. Hospital Bed Race Car Pack
- 60460 No Limits: Race Car Ramp
- 60461 Red Farm Tractor with Trailer & Sheep
- 60462 Helicopter, Fire Truck & Submarine Remix
- 60464 F1® Williams Racing & Haas F1® Race Cars
- 60472 Scrapyard with Cars
- 60474 F1® Grid with VCARB & Sauber Race Cars
- 952410 Jungle Explorer
- A Cop For a Day
- Admiral
- Alec Smith
- Alex Jordan
- AnnaOfDisguise
- Arctic Circle
- Arctic Explorer Ship
- Arctic Explorer Truck and Mobile Lab
- Barber
- Battle Royale on Planet X
- Battle Royale on Planet X/Gallery
- Battle Royale on Planet X/Transcript
- Bear stunt rider
- BetterCallCarla
- Blobs
- Blue Bolt Falcon Hawk Streak
- Blue Zoo
- Built the World's Biggest SKI SLOPE!
- Built the World's Biggest SKI SLOPE!/Gallery
- Built the World's Biggest SKI SLOPE!/Transcript
- BurgerBoss
- Burger Truck
- Bytz
- Bytz/Designs
- Bytz/Gallery
- Bytz/Gallery/Season 1
- Bytz/Gallery/Season 2
- Bytz and Just Jason
- Bytz and Mech.Max
- Bytz and Wanda About
- CampFireKevin
- Camper
- Can I Collect THE COLLECTOR?!
- Can I Collect THE COLLECTOR?!/Gallery
- Cannon Blast Shark Tank Challenge
- Cheerleader squad
- Chris Douch
- Citizen's Jam
- Citizen's Jam/Gallery
- Custom Car Garage
- Custom Car Garage/Gallery
- DJ GoodVibes
- Daisy Kaboom
- Deep-Sea Explorer Submarine
- Delivering Pizzas with a ROLLERCOASTER!
- Delivering Pizzas with a ROLLERCOASTER!/Gallery
- Dodgeball Against the Entire City?!
- Dodgeball Against the Entire City?!/Gallery
- Dodgeball Against the Entire City?!/Transcript
- Donut Dane
- Donut Truck
- Double-Decker Sightseeing Bus
- Downtown LEGO City
- Drea
- Drone Challenge - ARE THOSE LASERS?!
- Drone Challenge - ARE THOSE LASERS?!/Gallery
- Drone Challenge - ARE THOSE LASERS?!/Transcript
- Duke DeTain
- ESports champions
- Ellie
- Ellie's henchmen
- Ellie/Designs
- Episode Guide
- Escape in the City
- Everest
- Explorers
- ExtremeEddy
- Fearless Fi
- Fire Chief Freya
- Fire Command Truck
- Fire Frenzy!
- Fire Truck
- Fire department
- Fireman
- Fish & Chips
- Floating Cars?!
- Floating Cars?!/Gallery
- Floating Cars?!/Transcript
- FredTheFoodie
- Gaming Tournament Truck
- Gaming Tournament spectator
- Gardener
- Go-Karts
- Go-To Gary
- Gorillas
- Green Titan
- Green Titan Into the Moon
- Gus Lightning
- GymBroGene
- Houston
- Hyped4Pipes
- IMPOSSIBLE PRISON BREAK - Stunts Only!/Gallery
- IMPOSSIBLE PRISON BREAK - Stunts Only!/Transcript
- I was in a REAL POLICE CHASE!/Gallery
- I was in a REAL POLICE CHASE!/Transcript
- Into the Unknown!
- JakeKnowsSnow
- James Bishop
- Jean
- Jenny
- Johnny Thunder
- Jungle Explorer ATV
- Jungle Explorer Helicopter
- Jungle vs. City
- Jungle vs. City/Gallery
- Jungle vs. City/Transcript
- Just Jason
- Just Jason/Designs
- Just Jason/Gallery
- Just Jason/Gallery/Season 1
- Just Jason/Gallery/Season 2
- Just Jason and Mech.Max
- Just Jason and Wanda About
- KentIsOnFire
- LEGO City
- LEGO City (location)
- LEGO City (sets)
- LEGO City Car Wash
- LEGO City No Limits
- Lego City No Limits Wiki
- Lina
- Mech.Max
- Mech.Max/Designs
- Mech.Max/Gallery
- Mech.Max/Gallery/Season 1
- Mech.Max/Gallery/Season 2
- Mech.Max and Wanda About
- Mechanic
- Megan Gage
- Mercer Boffey
- Metagalactic crystal
- MetalMaggie
- Minor Characters
- Miriam-Teak Lee
- Mobile Crime Lab
- Nezer Alderazi
- Nick Smash
- Night Raptor
- No Limits crew
- Off-Roader
- OfficerEM
- Orange stunt rider
- Otto Orbit
- Paramedics
- Penguin
- Penguin Overpacks
- Planet X
- Police Training Academy
- Presenter
- Prison Escape: ROBOT EDITION!
- Prison Escape: ROBOT EDITION!/Gallery
- Prison Island
- Race Car Ramp
- Rick Sports
- Ricky Roadster
- Robot World
- Rock Paper Slushy
- Rocket Racer
- Run-Away Slushy Van?!
- Run-Away Slushy Van?!/Gallery
- Run-Away Slushy Van?!/Transcript
- Rusty Trails
- Sam
- Sarah Sparker
- Season 1
- Season 2
- Secret Society of People Who Deliver Things
- Sharks
- Shirley Keeper
- Sk8rKate
- Skate Park
- Sky Challenge – WE FLIPPED A JET?!
- Sky Challenge – WE FLIPPED A JET?!/Gallery
- Sky Challenge – WE FLIPPED A JET?!/Transcript
- Sky Jump
- Sky Jump - GONE WRONG!
- Sky Jump - GONE WRONG!/Gallery
- Sky Jump - GONE WRONG!/Transcript
- Slushy Van
- Space Construction Mech
- Space Explorer Rover
- Space Rescue!
- Speed Showdown!
- SteveGoesNorth
- Stunt Bikes
- SurviveWithClive
- Sweet Competition
- Tank
- TechyBecky
- Ted
- The Collector
- Think Fast Challenge
- Tina Tarantula
- Tiny Robot Ruins Everything!
- Tiny Robot Ruins Everything!/Gallery
- Tiny Robot Ruins Everything!/Transcript
- Today In LEGO City
- Tom Matuszewski
- Tuk-tuk driver
- Tuk-tuks
- Ultimate Escape Challenge
- UnderwaterUna
- UnstoppableMatt
- Veterinarians
- WaltsGoingOn
- Wanda About
- Wanda About/Designs
- Wanda About/Gallery
- Wanda About/Gallery/Season 1
- Wanda About/Gallery/Season 2
- We Discover CURSED TREASURE!/Gallery
- We Discover CURSED TREASURE!/Transcript
- We Meet the Fans - NOFACE REVEAL!
- We Meet the Fans - NOFACE REVEAL!/Gallery
- We Meet the Fans - NOFACE REVEAL!/Transcript
- We Survived a METEOR STORM?!
- We Survived a METEOR STORM?!/Gallery
- We Survived a METEOR STORM?!/Transcript
- ZigZac
- Zoe