Lego City No Limits Wiki
Built the World's Biggest SKI SLOPE! << Dodgeball Against the Entire City?! >> We Discover CURSED TREASURE!
Speaker Dialogue
Just Jason, Wanda About and Mech.Max stand with dodgeballs, facing Bytz.
Just Jason Hey, Bytz! You ready?
Bytz [Puts on his headphones, turns them on, and takes a deep breath] Let's go!
Max, Wanda and Jason throw a barrage of dodgeballs at Bytz, but he dodges all of them, flipping and spinning out of the way. Wanda jumps on Jason's back, launching a dodgeball at Bytz, but he dodges and catches the ball, throwing it back and hitting all three of them.
Wanda About [Chuckles] Wow, Bytz! When did you get so good?
Bytz When I listen to music, I just get in the zone! [Takes off his headphones]
Just Jason Dude! You must be the best dodgeball player in the city!
Bytz No way! That title goes to the one they call... Fire Chief Freya. She's unbeatable. She got me with a sweet backfire.
Just Jason But, you didn't have your music then. Now, we could take on anyone!
Bytz You're right! With these beats, we could take on everyone!
Just Jason Uh, that's not quite what I said-
Bytz [To his phone] Yo-yo-yo! You think you got what it takes to beat us? We're challenging you, [Projected on a large screen in the city] the entire city, to a mega game of dodgeball.
Just Jason [Chuckles nervously] It'll be fine! I mean, it's not like the whole city's gonna turn up. Right?
The crew is completely surrounded by citizens with dodgeballs in the middle of the city.
Just Jason Oh, so the whole city turned up.
Referee [Blows an airhorn] Game on!
Wanda About Come on, Bytz! Show 'em what you got!
Bytz Let's do this! [Throws a dodgeball but it weakly lands on the ground]
Mech.Max What was that?
Bytz Fear not! I just need to get in the zone using the headphones that I definitely just left in the gym by mistake!
Just Jason, Mech.Max and Wanda About Bytz!
Crowd Fire! [They all throw dodgeballs]
Just Jason We need to get Bytz' headphones!
Wanda About [Screams] Back to the gym!
The crew runs away, Max and Jason each hitting someone with a dodgeball on the way as Jason screams.
Bytz The cheerleader squad has it on lock-down.
Just Jason We'll distract them! Bytz, you know what to do.
Wanda About Okay, Jason. You go first.
Just Jason Me? Why me?
Wanda About It was your plan!
Mech.Max Guys, guys, c'mon! We need to focus and-
Just Jason Uhh...
Cheerleader Give me an F, give me an I... No time. Fire!
Wanda, Max and Jason are all hit with dodgeballs.
Bytz [Slow motion] No!
Referee [Blows airhorn] You're out!
Bytz [Runs into the gym and grabs his headphones] Got 'em! [Puts them on] It's on now!
Cheerleader [Hears gym doors open] Huh?
Bytz Yeeah! [Throws dodgeball at mailbox]
Cheerleader squad [Laugh]
The dodgeball bounces off a streetlight and a chair, then hits all three cheerleaders.
Referee [Blows airhorn] You're out!
Bytz pops out of a garbage can and hits two unsuspecting citizens. He hits two more at a restaurant.
Referee [Blows airhorn]
Bytz hits two more citizens. He hits a man lounging in a chair and his assistant. He hits Sk8rKate off a half-pipe, then finally hits three more citizens, including Fearless Fi.
Referee [Blowing airhorn when he gets hit by Bytz's dodgeball]
Just Jason, Mech.Max and Wanda About Yeah!
Mech.Max You did it!
Just Jason You got everyone!
Fire Chief Freya Not quite everyone! [Rises behind Bytz in a helicopter]
Bytz Huh? Fire Chief Freya!
Freya Looks like your game's about to... backfire.
Bytz We'll see about that. [Headphones beep] Out of battery! No!
Freya [Laughs, firing dodgeballs from her helicopter]
Wanda About Cannons? Where's the ref?
Referee [Sips his drink, lounging in a chair]
Bytz [Dodges the dodgeball barrage, hiding behind a chair] Ah! Without music, I don't stand a chance!]
Just Jason [Starts beatboxing]
Bytz Huh?
Just Jason [Beatboxing]
Mech.Max Take it down now!
Just Jason, Mech.Max and Wanda About [Beatboxing]
Bytz Ohhh, yeah! [Jumps over the chair] Let's go! [Races towards the edge of the roof, dodging every dodgeball] Time to take out those cannons!
Freya With those two balls? Then you'll have nothing left to throw at me! [Laughs and shoots more dodgeballs]
Bytz Time to backfire! [Throws a dodgeball, which hits the two Freya launched, shooting them back to destroy the cannons]
Freya [Attempts to fly away]
Bytz Yah! [Bounces the last dodgeball against a chair and some structures, sending it right into Freya]
Freya [Yells as the helicopter spins down] Going down! You wiiin! [Stops the helicopter and glares at Bytz, then flies away]
Just Jason, Mech.Max and Wanda About [Cheering]
Just Jason That was amazing, dude! [Lifts Bytz briefly]
Bytz I won!
Wanda About Ah! Well done! [High fives Bytz]
Mech.Max Wow, you did it! [High fives him too]
Bytz I couldn't have done it without you guys! [They all side hug] And my headphones!
Suddenly, a dodgeball flies down from the sky and hits Bytz in the head.
Astronaut [In space] Did I win? Are we still playing? Hello?
Season 1 1. "Run-Away Slushy Van?!" · 2. "Sky Jump - GONE WRONG!" · 3. "Built the World's Biggest SKI SLOPE!" · 4. "Dodgeball Against the Entire City?!" · 5. "We Discover CURSED TREASURE!" · 6. "I was in a REAL POLICE CHASE!" · 7. "Drone Challenge - ARE THOSE LASERS?!" · 8. "We Survived a METEOR STORM?!" · 9. "We Meet the Fans - NOFACE REVEAL!" · 10. "Sky Challenge – WE FLIPPED A JET?!"
Season 2 11. "IMPOSSIBLE PRISON BREAK - Stunts Only!" · 12. "Floating Cars?!" · 13. "Jungle vs. City" · 14. "Battle Royale on Planet X" · 15. "Tiny Robot Ruins Everything!" · 16. "Can I Collect THE COLLECTOR?!" · 17. "Prison Escape: ROBOT EDITION!" · 18. "Delivering Pizzas with a ROLLERCOASTER!"