Lego City No Limits Wiki

There are times when we must stand strong, and make real sacrifices. I wasn't going to make the plane on time... but at least they were.
— Bytz [src]

Bytz is a technician and a member of the No Limits crew.



Bytz's hair is of a short and wavy nature, and is parted on the right side.


For more of Bytz's outfits, see Bytz/Designs.

Bytz wears a white jacket layered over a dark bluish gray shirt. The jacket is embellished with a silver zipper, medium azure pockets, and vibrant light orange and red trim. The back of the jacket features the number 21, while the sleeves are black. He completes his outfit with black pants.



Run-Away Slushy Van?![]

The slushy van heist LEGO City – No Limits 0-40 screenshot

Bytz's profound love for his van, despite its shabby state, compelled him to wait at the Skate Park with Wanda About while Mech.Max worked on upgrading the vehicle. Bytz was filled with excitement as he eagerly anticipated the arrival of the refurbished van, his enthusiasm evident as he covered his eyes in anticipation. Mech.Max eventually arrived with the van and proceeded to remove the implanted bomb before presenting Bytz with his newly transformed Slushy Van. Upon opening his eyes, Bytz was surprised by the upgrade, eliciting a reaction that Just Jason found quite amusing. Bytz then tested the Slushy Van by distributing complimentary slushies.

Sky Jump - GONE WRONG![]

Built the World's Biggest SKI SLOPE![]

LEGO City No Limits-S1Ep3-01-09

At the Skate Park, Bytz has declared the results of the vote for the most extreme out of the No Limits crew. However, the outcome took an unexpected turn, with Wanda About emerging being the winner instead of Just Jason. Bytz was confused and suggested that the system may be malfunctioning. However, Bytz was persuaded by Just Jason to help him in his audacious endeavor to reclaim his title as the most extreme. Bytz's crucial role in the venture was to deploy a fleet of drones, which would serve as obstacles for Just Jason as he attempted to climb up the walls of the Ski and Climbing Center. As Just Jason struggled to ascend the towering wall, Bytz couldn't help but harbor doubts about the feasibility of the feat.


Suddenly, Bytz received an unexpected call from No Face, who confessed to manipulating the votes and maliciously reprogramming the drones. The drones began to shoot lasers at the Ski and Climbing Center. Realizing the imminent danger, Bytz urgently relayed the distressing news to Just Jason, urging him to abandon the challenge and evacuate the premises. However, the escape route was swiftly damaged by a drone. Bytz used a disarmed drone to hoist Jason up. They cautiously descended the ravaged slope and emerge victorious, albeit with Bytz still plagued by lingering apprehension from the experience.

LEGO City No Limits-S1Ep3-04-45

Just Jason asserted his intention to engage in reckless and foolish behavior solely based on his desire to do so. Bytz cautioned Just Jason against indulging in such behavior, emphasizing that it was not advisable. In reply, Just Jason retorted that refraining from such activities would be dull, much to Bytz's irritation.

Dodgeball Against the Entire City?![]


Bytz emerged victorious in a dodgeball match against Mech.Max, Wanda About, and Just Jason, thanks to his innovative approach of incorporating music to enhance his throwing abilities. Jason commended Bytz as the foremost dodgeball player in LEGO City, while Bytz acknowledged Fire Chief Freya as the true titleholder, having utilized Bytz's own technique against him. Jason noted the absence of Bytz's music during the match, which spurred Bytz to take action. He extended an invitation to all LEGO City residents to participate in a dodgeball competition against the No Limits crew.

The citizens gathered together to confront the No Limits crew for the game, and it was Bytz who took the initiative to make the first move. However, his throw with the dodgeball missed its mark and failed to hit any of the opposing team members. Despite the setback, Bytz attempted to reassure his teammates that he simply needed to retrieve his headphones, which he had accidentally left behind at the gym. Realizing the urgency of the situation, Bytz and the crew swiftly made a dash towards the gym, only to find that it was being guarded by the cheerleader squad. Determined to gain access to the gym, Just Jason devised a plan to distract the cheerleaders while Bytz sneaked inside. Unfortunately, the plan did not go as anticipated, resulting in Wanda About, Mech.Max, and Just Jason being pelted by dodgeballs thrown by the cheerleaders, much to Bytz's disappointment. Despite the circumstances, Bytz managed to acquire his headphones. By immersing himself in music, he found the focus and determination to defeat the cheerleaders. Bytz effortlessly took down every citizen in LEGO City.

Amidst the jubilant celebrations, Bytz discovered that Freya, positioned in her helicopter, still posed a challenge. Freya sensed that Bytz's plan was on the verge of failure. However, Bytz confidently responded, challenging Freya's assumption and displaying unwavering confidence. To his dismay, when Bytz attempted to use his headphones, he realized that they had run out of batteries. Bytz evaded Freya's dodgeball cannons, fully aware of the seemingly insurmountable odds he faced. Unexpectedly, the rest of the team rallied behind Bytz, playing his favorite tune and providing him with the much-needed encouragement. Empowered by their support, Bytz seized two dodgeballs, utilizing the first one to skillfully deflect Freya's projectiles, effectively neutralizing her cannons. With precision and accuracy, Bytz hurled the second ball, successfully striking Freya. Bytz was grateful to the crew, acknowledging that their support and his headphones were instrumental in his success. However, just as he said this, an astronaut hurled a dodgeball at him.


LEGO City No Limits-S1Ep5-00-17

The No Limits crew embarked on an Arctic Circle expedition. Wanda About playfully alluded to hidden treasures beneath the waves, adopting a pirate persona. However, Bytz, due to his partial pirate heritage, was discomforted, finding Wanda's comment offensive. Bytz and Mech.Max remained on the Arctic Explorer Ship while Jason and Wanda retrieved the treasure. Upon their return, Jason assumed a pirate role, announcing their successful acquisition. Bytz sincerely apologizes for any offense caused by Jason and Wanda's jest to the pirate community.


Will donuts save the day? (51)

At the Police Training Academy, Bytz was actively participating in a training session alongside the No Limits crew. They were all gearing up for the upcoming Cops and Robbers training exercise. Although Just Jason had a strong desire to apprehend the robber, Bytz and the rest of the team were reluctant to play the role of the robber. This led to Just Jason stepping up and volunteering to take on the challenging role himself. As time passed, Duke DeTain informed Bytz and the crew with news of a real robbery taking place at the City bank. Mistakenly assuming it to be a part of the ongoing exercise, Bytz and the crew were filled with determination to bring Just Jason to justice.

Will donuts save the day? (56)

As he embarked on his search for Just Jason, Bytz took control of a helicopter and began piloting it through the skies. He made sure to stay in constant communication with Mech.Max, confirming that he understood her. Bytz also warned her to remain vigilant and be aware of her surroundings. It didn't take long for Bytz to spot Just Jason, Daisy Kaboom, and Nick Smash, and he quickly relayed this information to the rest of the team, providing them with a visual confirmation of their location.

Drone Challenge - ARE THOSE LASERS?![]

We Survived a METEOR STORM?![]

We Meet the Fans - NOFACE REVEAL![]

LEGO City No Limits-S1Ep9-00-58

Weeks ago, Bytz watched a trailer of Green Titan Into the Moon. Fueled with excitement, Bytz gathered all the dedicated fans of the No Limits crew at a local comic store. It was there that Bytz met Ellie who proudly proclaimed herself as the biggest fan of the No Limits crew. Bytz couldn't help but be impressed by Ellie's enthusiasm and mentioned how she and everyone else would watch the movie while cruising at 10,000 feet on a plane. As Bytz was driving the bus towards the airport, Mech.Max anxiously reminded him to hurry or else they would miss the flight. In response, Bytz reassured Mech.Max, mentioning that he had everything under control. He explained that he had taken care of all the necessary preparations, including the fact that he had an app installed on his phone that would detect the presence of No Face, should he happen to appear. However, his confidence was short-lived when the app suddenly started beeping, indicating the unexpected arrival of a truck seemingly driven by No Face, right beside their bus.

Movie premiere at 30,000 feet (80)

The truck engaged its magnetic force, causing it to attract and pull various components of Bytz's bus as well as anything else in its vicinity. Meanwhile, Bytz received a phone call from No Face, who revealed his intention to board the plane without Bytz. In a desperate attempt to outrun the truck, Bytz accelerated the bus, but the magnetism only grew stronger, tearing the bus in half. Determined to ensure that the fans reached the airport, Bytz handed over the wheel to Ellie and used a skateboard to climb on top of No Face's truck. Once inside, Bytz turned off the magnet, allowing Ellie and the fans to reach the airport safely, while he stayed behind. Bytz approached the cockpit of the truck, fully intending to confront No Face. However, much to his surprise, he discovered that the vehicle had been on autopilot the entire time. This revelation left him puzzled, wondering who the app on his phone had been beeping at. Just as he was trying to make sense of it all, his phone rang with a video call from Ellie. In the call, she reminded him of her intention to be on the jet without him. As she put on her hood, Bytz watched in astonishment as he saw her with a mask that resemble's No Face. The call abruptly ended, leaving Bytz in a state of shock as he realized that Ellie was the true identity behind No Face.

Sky Challenge – WE FLIPPED A JET?![]


Ellie had planned the Passenger Airplane to crash into the moon once the device beneath it was activated. In a daring rescue mission, Bytz and the citizens arrived on the fireman's helicopter to save his friends. With Rocket Racer's help, Bytz and the cheerleader squad swiftly boarded the Passenger Airplane, using dodgeballs to take down Ellie's henchmen. After regrouping with the No Limits crew, Bytz tasked Wanda with locating Ellie, while Jason would assist Bytz in deactivating the device, and Mech.Max would assume control of the aircraft.


Max flipped the plan upside down. Bytz and Jason fearlessly leaped into action, performing the Sky Jump with precise coordination, eventually landing beneath the plane. Bytz took on the task of disassembling the device, but faced a setback when he unintentionally activated a 20-second timer. Despite this, Bytz managed to dismantle the device by casually tearing it into pieces, much to his surprise when he succeeded. With the threat neutralized, the No Limits crew made their way back to the airport. Bytz, hailed as a hero by his friends, humbly deflected the praise, attributing the true heroism to the citizens. In a display of unity, the No Limits crew commemorated their success by gathering with the citizens for a celebratory selfie.


Floating Cars?![]

Jungle vs. City[]

Mech.Max and Wanda About participated in a friendly competition to determine which was more exciting: LEGO City or the jungle. The competition consisted of three rounds, with Mech.Max and Team City needing to rescue Bytz in order to earn a point for their team.

In the first round, Bytz and Just Jason were required to roll downhill in baby carriages and be rescued. Bytz was successfully saved by the police, while Jason was unfortunately attacked by snakes. Moving on to the second round, Bytz and Just Jason had to feign injuries after crashing their skateboards and be healed. Bytz received prompt medical attention from the paramedics, but Jason was beaten up by the gorillas. Finally, in the last round, Bytz and Just Jason were trapped in a building surrounded by fake flames. Bytz was rescued by the fireman, while Jason was initially saved by the parrots but was dropped and subsequently attacked by the gorillas once again.

Following the rescue mission by Wanda and her jungle buddies to save Mech.Max and the International Banana Club, they reconcile and agree that both LEGO City and the jungle are impressive. Nevertheless, Bytz raised the question of who would consume Mech.Max's wrench, only to witness Jason eating it.

Battle Royale on Planet X[]

Tiny Robot Ruins Everything![]

Rollercoaster Pizza Delivery![]

Bytz opened up to the No Limits crew about his time as a pizza delivery boy, sharing the story that revolved around the delivery of the Friendship Pizza to Just Jason. When he mentioned the giant robot involved in the delivery, Mech.Max and Wanda About were suspicious, doubting the truth of his tale. But Bytz was adamant that what he experienced was real, claiming that the delivery forged a lifelong friendship between him and Jason. Mech.Max couldn't help but scoff, calling it the absurd story she'd ever heard, yet Bytz went on. He explained that feeling guilty about the late delivery, he teamed up with the Secret Society of People Who Deliver Things to build a massive rollercoaster that would stretch across all of LEGO City until the robot returned. Bytz claimed that giant robots have an aversion to rollercoasters, a statement that elicited disbelief from Mech.Max and Wanda, who argued against its validity. Bytz argued that if that were not the case, the robot would not have attacked in the first place.

Mech.Max hoped for a credible continuation for what happened next. Bytz went on to describe how the Secret Society attached boosters to the rollercoaster and aimed it straight at the robot. Mech.Max pointed out that this was exactly what she and Wanda had done with King Bot at Prison Island, but Bytz was quick to assert that his version was cooler. He wrapped up the story by mentioning that he and Jason ended up sharing the pizza. Mech.Max pressed Bytz for the truth of his story, to which he suggested they draw their own conclusions. Wanda chimed in, claiming the robot was made up, but Bytz countered that creativity knows no bounds. In a moment of enthusiasm, he activated the boosters on his couch, only to crash.



Main article: Bytz and Ellie

Just Jason[]

Main article: Bytz and Just Jason


Main article: Bytz and Mech.Max

Wanda About[]

Main article: Bytz and Wanda About





LEGO City No Limits[]

LEGO City Magazine[]


Foreign voice actors[]

Language version Actors Notes
Portugese (Brazil) Mateus Todeschini
German Jonas Frenz
Japanese Reona Irie (入江玲於奈)


  • He shares the same headphones piece that was originally used for MK from Monkie Kid. They also came in the same color.
  • Bytz is of Pirate heritage, as he is a one-eighth pirate.[2]


Main article: Bytz/Gallery


  1. Collier, Alex; Douch, Chris; Bishop, James. "Run-Away Slushy Van?!". LEGO City No Limits. Season 1. Episode 1.
  2. Collier, Alex; Douch, Chris; Bishop, James. "We Discover CURSED TREASURE!". LEGO City No Limits. Season 1. Episode 5.


Main Bytz · Just Jason · Mech.Max · Wanda About
Supporting Admiral · Barber · Basti Baggersen · Bear stunt rider · BetterCallCarla · BurgerBoss · Cheerleader squad · Donut Dane · Duke DeTain · ESports champions · Everest · ExtremeEddy · Fearless Fi · Finja Fin · Fire Chief Freya · Fireman · Francesca Freewheeler · FredTheFoodie · Gaming Tournament spectator · Gardener · Green Titan · Go-To Gary · GymBroGene · JakeKnowsSnow · KentIsOnFire · Max Mayo · Mechanic · Minor Characters · Night Raptor · OCEANEmma · OfficerEM · Olivia Overtake · Orange stunt rider · Penguin · Pia Polar · Presenter · Robin Rotor · Rocket Racer · Rick Sports · Ricky Roadster · Sam · Shirley Keeper · Sk8rKate · Soren Mudskipper · SteveGoesNorth Tank · · Tuk-tuk driver · UnderwaterUna · WaltsGoingOn · ZigZac · Zoe
Animals Blobs · Gorillas · Parrots · Sharks · Snakes · Tigers
Antagonists AnnaOfDisguise · The Collector · Daisy Kaboom · DJ GoodVibes · Ellie · Ellie's henchmen · Nick Smash · UnstoppableMatt